Taking Care of My Diabetes and My Family
Brian spoke about his love of running which has developed into a love of Triathlons. Brian was diagnosed 4 years ago and only took up running as a way to help manage his type 1 diabetes.
Niamh spoke about her recent inter railing trip across Europe and how she planned for it and managed her type 1 diabetes during it.
Both speakers did a fantastic job.
This was my presentation;
In 2005, we moved back home to Ireland and I had my second child now 8. This is when I became a stay at home mum.
And "No!" we are not always that sickening. |
The Diabetic Diet Thingy
The question of "what can I eat?" comes up a lot at our local Type 1 and the Type 2 support group meet ups. And even though, we would reply to our group members that nothing was off the table, the explanation doesn't end there.
That’s right. People with diabetes can eat anything that people without diabetes can eat.
But, and this is a very important but, you must be aware of how it will impact you and take that into account. You can’t eat large numbers of carbohydrates and get good results (unless you are a serious athlete). But by checking your blood sugar strategically, you can learn how much of a food you can safely enjoy."
I wonder about all those people out there, without diabetes, who have no idea what they're putting into their bodies? I used to be envious of them as they just ate, and ate, and ate, for years, before it caught up with them. For me, the results of that kind of eating would be seen in less than 4 hours through my blood glucose testing.
Yes, this is me write now - NOT! |
I'm finding that this mental attitude makes it easier to resist all those temptations. And, to be quite honest, the temptations are not always that good. Some are, some aren't but I'm not missing out on anything. I'm gaining so much for my health. Plus, I get to feel a little pious over all those people without diabetes who don't treat themselves well.
Happy Blog-aversary!
What started out as a way to find more people with type 1 diabetes became therapy for me. And because it started out as a way to try and find more Irish people with diabetes, and more specifically to connect with more people with type 1, is why I named it Diabetes People.
I didn't think that there was enough thoughts in my head about my own life with diabetes to maintain a blog and so I had intended to ask other people to share their thoughts and experiences in living with diabetes too.
I also thought that if I came across a valuable piece of information for people with diabetes that posting it in one place one time was not going to reach very many people. And so, I would try to help post it in as many places as possible to make it easier for people with diabetes to find.
The idea of sharing other people's diabetes stories didn't really take off, so my blog became more about my own life with type 1 diabetes. I post once per week and I've tried to remain constant with that, except for a little while where I need all of my headspace to deal with heavy issues.
I've always used writing as therapy when I'm overwhelmed, ever since I was a teen. I knew I wasn't very good at writing and never had any expectations that I would become a successful blogger. I still believe that.
Happy 5th Birthday Diabetes People Blog |
I didn't dare hope that I could be like any of those really talented writers with diabetes; like SixuntilMe's Kerri Sparling, BitterSweet's Karen Graffeo, those on Diabetesmine, etc. to name but a few.
Thankfully, I didn't have to rely on this blog to connect with irish people with diabetes. Thanks to Facebook groups we have a strong diabetes online community in Ireland; several in fact. And of course there is my diabetes support group in Ennis, Co. Clare.
I really appreciate all of you who take the time to read my musings and opinions, however "out there"they may be. I hope that I have helped you in small way, as you have helped me by appreciating this blog.
So five years down and I still feel like this is only the beginning :-D
Friends for Life Conference Orlando
Today, the FFLconference has evolved into a national mega-conference that 1,000 people with diabetes attend. It's open to ALL family members, including grandparents and now has programmes for the adults living with type 1 diabetes, as well as all the age groups of children and young people. They even have a FFL in the United Kingdom.
You may remember last August when I blogged almost endlessly after I had been lucky enough to attend FFL UK with my friend Christine!!!
The experience was fantastic and was where the seed of Thrive-abetes turned into a sapling.
So when I saw a post on Facebook from the Diabetes Hands Foundation offering scholarships to attend FFL or FFL MasterLabs I was jealous. Then! I remembered that I was married to an American and that we have planned to visit his family in Minnesota this coming July. I was actually going to be in the US while the conference is taking place and there fore less expensive to sponsor.
So I applied for a sponsorship!!! Hey, if you're not in, you can't win:-)
Guess what! Yep! I won a scholarship to the MasterLab advocacy conference which I have extended to include registration for FFL conference.
1st reason to be excited - I'm going to Orlando, Florida! I've never been before.
No. 2 reason to be excited I'm going to FFL!!!!!
No. 3 reason, well let me show you with this short video.
Diabetes Burnout
I experienced some mild postnatal depression after I had my second baby. I was living in a new town, didn't know many people, I had two children under the age of 3 and was totally exhausted and felt alone.
I was just treading the water to keep my head above it. If I stopped treading, even for a minute, then I would sink.
It took all of my energy to complete mindless tasks never mind the tasks that required thought.
I have a fantastic husband but my concern for protecting him from how I was really feeling and my willingness to be sensitive to his grief also meant that the person who I always turn to was not going to be able to help me in this situation. This time I had to get help from a counsellor to find my way out of the fog.
Once I made that first phone call to make my first appointment the fog started to clear. I suppose the prospect that help was coming allowed me to breath a little easier.
People have talked about people with diabetes suffering from depression and maybe that's what I had both times with diabetes burnout being a symptom.
"Diabetes burnout" is not the same thing as depression, instead it is something that takes place when a person is either unwilling to change, or simply tired of the endless attention diabetes care requires. (from http://www.joslin.org/info/avoid_diabetes_burnout.html)
Diabetes burnout is very real and there is lots of information out there to arm yourself against it. Knowledge is power as they say.