This is a collection of website links for people and family members living with type 1, type 2 and Gestational diabetes where you will find information on the diabetes healthcare services available and support communities.

Included in this page:

  • General Information

  • Type 1 Diabetes Information

  • Type 2 Diabetes Information

  • More than two Types of Diabetes

General Information

This is some of the information that is relevant to all types of Diabetes

There are many more documents relating to diabetes care on the HSE website stored under the section for the National Clinical Programme for Diabetes here.

Type 1 Diabetes Information

Type 2 Diabetes Information


More than Two Types of Diabetes

There are many more types of diabetes; MODY, LADA, Type 3c, just for starters. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of information about these other types of diabetes but here are some of the limited resources: