Diabetes Type Exclusion

Diabetes Type Exclusion

I remember going to diabetes events hoping to learn more about my diabetes in the early years of my diagnosis and often felt that these events were too vague for an insulin user like me, and that the discussion was dominated by people with type 2 diabetes. So I didn’t relate to or connect with these events and I stopped going. Now in the type 1 diabetes dominated support space we are asking where are people with type 2?

My Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis

 My Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis

I was diagnosed as an adult while living away from home. I had all the classic symptoms: the 4 T’s, but had no idea that they could be caused by an illness. By the time I was admitted to hospital I could barely stand, walk or talk and had lost so much weight I looked like a skeleton. Type 1 diabetes symptom campaigns that ignore the fact that adults get T1D makes those adults feel isolated and alienated from the diabetes community and may be reluctant to look for emotional and physical support.