Happy New Year!

Oh My Gosh! I really don't want to see another mince pie for a looooonnnnnng time!

It's a new year! Some feel that it's a new beginning, a reset button, or a fresh start. For me, the day my children go back to school is the I stop using the phrase "because it's Christmas!" It's when I get back into my everyday routine and stop with the extra sugary treats and back to tighening up those wobbly bits by getting outside for my walk.

The New Year also brings the bombardment of new ways to adapt a healthier lifestyle, new "fad" diets, anyone see the Lidl and Aldi circulars with all the exercise gear?

Almost every website, social media page, newspaper or magazine has an ad for a new, fast way to lose those Christmas pounds. Really,

My favourite of these terrible ads was the Sunday Independent's claim that some people are genetically designed not to benefit from exercise!!! Who doesn't get any benefit from exercise???

Even if all you gain is the "happy" from the endorphins released through exercise, isn't that beneficial? Yes, a lot of people will not loose weight if the exercise, because they need to cut back on calories too but losing weight is not the only reason to exercise.

I exercise because it pulls all the wobbly bits in a bit, I can clear my head and shake off the cobwebs from my ever creaking joints. I also find it social as I was a bit with a friend. It's makes me feel like I've earned the right to sit for 30 minutes with a cup of coffee afterwards while I recover:-)

Exercise makes me feel good and, well, really, I don't care about any of the other benefits. That's good enough reason for me to get outside.