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“DIY Diabetes Technology: What and Why”

Co-presented with Tomas Mahony at the Diabetes Ireland Health Professional Conference in February 2020

“Diabetes Technology and Access”

An information talk about insulin pumps, CGMs and glucose sensors and how to access diabetes technology to the Laois Diabetes Support Group November 2019

Welcome to Dublin

The official welcome address to approximately 35 diabetes bloggers from all over the world at the Abbott dXDublin event in June 2018

“An Empowered Patient My Journey”

The HSE invited me to give a presentation to launch their framework for Self-management Support for Chronic Conditions at the Diabetes Self Management Alliance DSMA Conference Galway November 2017. My presentation was recorded by Ms. Pauline Dunne, Diabetes Ireland. See video to the right.

“An Empowered Patient My Journey”

Future Health Summit invited my to speak at the diabetes forum in May 2017