Future Health Summit

Diabetes Summit Review

I had so much to write about from the Future Health Summit on Friday 27th May last that I had to divide it into two post.

Disclaimer: The organisers of this conference reimbursed me for my travel expenses to attend as a patient speaker. But all opinions are my own.

Here is my review of the Diabetes Summit Event which was chaired by Dr. Ronan Canavan, co-chaired by Anna Clarke from Diabetes Ireland with our panel being chaired by Dr. Eva Orsmond. This was the event that I spoke at. I was last up on the agenda. I have to tell ye, I think I have the bug. Even though, I seriously thought I would need medical assistance because my heart was pounding so hard while I was waiting to go up, once I got up there – I had a ball!

The summit began with Dr. Ronan Canavan, outgoing Clinical lead of the National Clinical Programme for Diabetes and Consultant Endocrinologist, and an overview of what the Diabetes National Clinical Programme has accomplished under his leadership. This included the National Diabetes Podiatry Programme, the establishment of The Diabetic Retina Screening Service, the Type 2 Diabetes Cycle of Care, which we are seeing happening now, the publication of the Paediatric Model of Care for all Children with diabetes and the forthcoming Model of Care document for Adults with diabetes.

Professor Gerald Tomkin gave a wonderful presentation about something very medical but did not fail to be extremely amusing. Actually I giggled a lot! I should add that this conference was primarily attended by healthcare professionals and patients were in the minority.

Dr Neil Black, talked about the reforms that his team have made in Diabetes West, which is not Ireland West but Northern Ireland west.  They have made some very seemingly small but significant changes. They're approach is to identify the problems in the diabetes service from the patient's perspective. Some changes were easy, such as changing the name of the diabetes clinic to diabetes support service - it sounds so much more caring. They have also streamlined the pathway to receiving care so that the people who need more support have more access and the people who are in a good place can step back until they need a check in.

2016-05-27 14.53.45

Prof Philip Home-Professor of Diabetes Medicine, Newcastle University. Former Chairman of the International Diabetes Federation (Europe). In 2009 he was Programme Chair for the IDF World Diabetes Congress in Montreal spoke about medications for lowering blood glucose. Again, another well seasoned presenter and charming gentleman but well above my head. 

Dr Richard Lee Kin-Specialist Periodontist and founder of the Mint Clinic in Adelaide Rd., Dublin 2, pointed out why dental hygiene is so important for people with diabetes. He also inform us that people with diabetes can get two dental exams for free every year. I'm hoping to have more information on this about where you can download the form to apply in advance, if you are a PAYE contributor. It's more straightforward if you have a medical card, see more information from Citizen's Information.

Then there was me and my scenic journey to becoming an empowered patient, or as I would rather put it "my own best advocate".

Once everyone has presented, we concluded the summit with a panel discussion where Dr. Eva Orsmond and members of the audience had to opportunity to question us. Things got a little tense for a moment or two during this questioning, but thanks to Anna Clarke the tension was alleviated.

All in all it was not your average day in the office. It was lively, informative and I'm very glad I had the opportunity to participate and attend.

Diabetes Summit & Future Health Summit Dublin


I am extremely honoured to have been selected as a patient speaker at the upcoming Diabetes Summit which is part of the Future Health Summit on Friday 27th May. The Future Health Summit runs over two days, May 26th and 27th, in Dublin’s Citywest Convention Centre. The Future Health Summit is actually a series of 15 separate summits covering areas such as mental health, medtech, oncology, wellbeing at work, clinical leadership, diabetes, ehealth, and homecare.

The Summit director David Neville expects 1,500 delegates to attend. There are seven patient forums, more than 100 speakers, over 120 exhibitors, and 15 separate summits being run. He also says “The conference is focused on how we care, what we eat and how we live”.

I will be participating in the Diabetes Summit, which is chaired by the Clinical lead of the National Clinical Programme for Diabetes and Consultant Endocrinologist, Dr. Ronan Canavan and co-chaired by Dr. Anna Clarke, Health Promotion and Research Manager with the Diabetes Ireland.

My fellow panel will include;

Future Health Summit Diabetes agendaDr Neil Black, Endocrinology & Diabetes Physician, and Lead Clinician, Electronic Care Record Implementation in Northern Ireland.

Prof Philip Home-Professor of Diabetes Medicine, Newcastle University. Former Chairman of the International Diabetes Federation (Europe). In 2009 he was Programme Chair for the IDF World Diabetes Congress in Montreal.

Professor Gerald Tomkin - Director of the Diabetes Institute of Ireland at Beacon & Endocrinologist, former president of the Irish Endocrine Society, the Irish Hyperlipidaemia assoc.s. Former Chairman, and now President of the Diabetes Federation of Ireland.

Dr Richard Lee Kin-Specialist Periodontist. He is founder of the Mint Clinic in Adelaide Rd., Dublin 2, dealing exclusively with the management and treatment of gum disease in adults and children .

And of course, me, Grainne Flynn-Patient Speaker.

With a panel discussion with all speakers chaired by Dr Eva Orsmond and Prof. Donal O'Shea.  No intro explanation needed for either of those. There is more information on the schedule.


Patient Workshops

There are also patient workshops taking place on Friday 27th May, one in particular of interest is the “Living with Diabetes- Personal Empowerment, Information, Choice and Ownership”. Speakers for this workshop include;

11.15 am  – “Living Well with Diabetes, A Personal Experience  – 10 Keys Tips”. Kate Gajewska who is a health psychologist, lives with type 1 diabetes and is a scholar in Population Health & Health Service Research – SPHeRE Programme

12.00     “Making Best Use of Your Professional Diabetes Review”  Prof. Seamus Sreenan, Consultant Endocrinologist at Connolly Hospital and Medical Director of Diabetes Ireland.

Professor Seamus Sreenan will advise individuals to better prepare for their hospital appointments and maximise the benefit of that appointment for the person with diabetes.  Professor  Sreenan is Clinical Director, 3U Partnership, Consultant Endocrinologist at Connolly Hospital and Medical Director of Diabetes Ireland.

Both presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.


When you book this event, your ticket gives you access to the open talks at the Summit  (tickets priced at €539). Admission to the workshop is €10 registration fee for members, or €40 to include 2016 membership of Diabetes Ireland. To register call  Diabetes Ireland on  1850 909 909.

Now I have to take care of a "Procrastination Monkey" by rounding up the "Panic Monster". This very entertaining video will explain more:-)