You Never Know Where People with Diabetes will Pop Out From

You never know where one of our comrade in arms will pop out from. We are everywhere! You may not think it but we are. My neighbour across the road from me who I've know for at least 5 years, only told me at Christmas that he has type 1 diabetes!  And here's another one for you.

I have no qualms about saying that as an Irish housewife I love going through the Aldi Supermarket weekly ad magazine. Always looking for a bargain, I am. Or a nice surprise. Just in case you are not familiar with Aldi, they don’t just do groceries, they also do “nice” things.

And so there's that very bright smile jumping off the page at me. Yeah, the kid’s cute too. But I’m taking about Stacey Moloney, fellow person with type 1 diabetes.

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I came across Stacey last year during the Irish Blog Awards. Stacey’s blog, Your Mindful Guide was one of the finalists in the Best Health & Wellness Blog category. She very generously allowed me to write a guest post on her blog to promote the Thriveabetes conference in 2015.

She attended Thriveabetes 2015 and we got to meet face to face, ever so briefly. And she wrote about her experience at it. See it here.

Stacey has lived with type 1 diabetes since she was 9 years old and was hospitalised for two weeks when she was diagnosed. She is now in her twenties and let me tell you she is living every minute of it. Diabetes is NOT holding her back.

The aim of her blog; Your Mindful Guide is to spread positivity, change the 'tree hugger' stigma attached to recycling and make it accessible, fun and trendy. Are you ready start your journey to becoming healthier in every sense of the word, mind, body, and soul?? Then you share the same passion as me. This is my life – to inspire and encourage you to live your life the best way possible and learn how to become more mindful.

As well as being owner of her own website and blog she is a marketing executive at WEEE Ireland, a non profit private company that promotes recycling electrical appliances, equipment and batteries, which is why there is such a nice photo of her in the Aldi catalog. Aldi Ireland are the WEEE Ireland Retail Battery Collector of the year 2015.

Stacey with Joe Solowiejczyk

You really do not know where you will meet fellow people with diabetes but if you talk about your diabetes you might meet a friend.